My First Ever Blog Post

Such a creative title, right? ‘Cause that’s what I do. Creativity. I’m actually good at names when I put my mind to it for a bit. But enough about the title. Welcome to my blog! I’m super excited to have you join me on my journey from a writer to an author.

Now, here are a few things I will try to write.

  1.  Lists. I love lists, so there will probably be a lot of them, as evidenced by this list.
  2.  I will try to impart writerly wisdom when I can. Because, ya know, I have a lot of it. Not really, but anyway. Expect writing tips.
  3. Snippets of the reality of a writer’s life, which includes the parts where one is not writing.
  4. Maybe challenges here and there once I get things going. I recently participated in a flash fiction challenge over at Rosalie's blog. I had a ton of fun and would love to make things like that available for y’all at some point.
  5. Updates from my writing life (or updates from life in general). Those will probably happen once a month.
  6. Possibly book reviews. These I will keep as honest as I can. As a Christian girl, I know the difficulty of finding clean, wholesome reading material. I’d like to make that challenge easier by reviewing books that I’ve read so you all can make educated decisions about them.
  7. I might even try and have my writing group guest post here. I work with some lovely ladies who have a wealth of knowledge in just about every area of writing. They come from all sorts of genres and interests. They all have the same passion for writing the truth. You can learn more about us here.

         So there you have it. Just a bit about what you can expect to hear from me. I haven’t established a posting schedule yet. I think I’ll probably post on Wednesdays and Fridays, but we’ll see how it goes. I’m super pumped that y’all chose to join me on this journey. It means more to me than you know.

What sorts of things do you like reading on blogs? Anything else you want me to write about?


  1. I'm up for some Flash Fiction, girl! And writing tips (and lists!!!!!) are always great. I look forward to your future posts!

    1. Flash fiction is one of the greatest things ever! And thanks for encouraging me to do this whole blog thing!

    2. Not-so-much agreed...I like longer stuff. But FF can be fun, too. And my pleasure! I can't wait to see how your blog grows!

  2. Evangeline DiasimahJune 20, 2017 at 1:08 PM

    Go for it, darling! Lists, tips, cats, the lot! Looking forward to your next post.

  3. Welcome to blogging! I found you through Go Teen Writers. So far, I'm a fan and this is the first thing I've seen. I'm excited to see what you have in store. God bless you!


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