R.I.P It or Ship It Tag

So Lila Kims over at The Red-Hooded Writer tagged me for this awesome tag. I've never really heard of it before, but I absolutely love the concept! Basically, you take a bunch on characters from different books, combine them, and then see if you ship them or not. Should be interesting.

I took a number of characters, separated them into containers according to their gender, and pulled out a number of pairings. The results were... interesting.

~Mitch from The Herbalist's War + Carliss from The Knights of Arrethtrae~

Okay, so I just had to throw in one of my characters. I couldn't help it. Mitch is just so hilarious and awesome. Honestly, I don't ship him with Carliss. They're both just really tough and serious and I think it would just be kind of boring. I was really hoping he'd get paired with Annabeth, but I guess that's not what was meant to be.

~Bardon from The DragonKeeper Chronicles + Skylar from The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt~

BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No. This is a train-wreck waiting to happen.

Bardon is super serious and does everything according to the book, whereas Skylar is still learning about faith and life. Bardon would probably be overbearing and discouraging to her. I definitely don't want that.

~Percy Jackson from PJO + Winnie from Winnie the Horse Gentler~

You know, I don't know about this one. I think it could work, but it's not near as ideal as it could be. I mean, Winnie is really awkward and quiet and Percy could either put her at ease or make her even more agitated with his #persassyness. I'm not sure about this one, y'all. It could be good, but it could also be very awful. 

~Faramir from LotR + Annabeth from PJO~

This, I think, would be awesome. Two militant leaders with ginormous hearts as a couple? #alltheyes. Actually, excuse me while I go build my ship... 

~Catman from Winnie the Horse Gentler + Kale from The DragonKeeper Chronicles~

Hmmmmm. You know, I don't think this one would work. Mostly because Kale would get really annoyed with Catman's one word answers. She likes things specific and to the point. He's not great at specific and to the point. It's a no from me.

So there you have it! Five mash-up couples, most of which are complete train-wrecks. I guess that's what happens when someone goes with anyone but their soulmate.

I know this one was super short, but I really enjoyed writing it!

And obviously, I get to tag others for this thing! As always, if you've already been tagged or don't want to do it, absolutely no pressure!

Ivie @Ivie Writes
Skye @Ink Calamities
and True @A True Writer

What do you all think about these pairings? Do you feel like any of them work together? If so, why? I'm really curious to see what y'all think!


  1. I'm ashamed to admit that I have read absolutely NONE of these books. *weeps with guilt* Except for Faramir, I don't know any of these characters...but from what I've heard about Annabeth, I can totally see them together. xD

    1. To be fair, a good bit of these are obscure titles.

      But YAS!!! They would be awesome together.

    2. I'm with Faith - I haven't read any of these books except LOTR ;0 though I really want to read "The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt" series :)

    3. Yes! You must read them! They're some of my most favorite books ever!!!!

  2. Lol, love it!!

    I didn't think to put my own characters in... :P XD

    1. I almost felt like it was cheating, but I love Mitch so much! I just had to.

  3. Ha, this was good! Funny how most of them just wouldn't go well together... Catman and Kale, though....that would be something to see!

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go well. But it would be hilarious to watch!

  4. I . . . haven’t read most of these books, but I absolutely LOVE Faramir + Annabeth! That should be a thing. . . .

    1. It would be fabulous, I think! It should totally be a thing!

  5. While I have heard of lots of these books, I've only read PJO.

    Okay, Kara, time to hit the library. XD

    1. Yasssss! You must read these books! They are awesome!!

  6. Thanks for the tag! Love that you used your own character. XD
    Faramir and Annabeth would be amazing!

    1. No problem! I can't wait to see your answers!!

      They would be awesome together!

  7. This tag is so much fun to read! I love how you added your characters!!

    1. Thanks! I just had to add him. He's just such a cool character!

  8. Can you imagine how much Winnie and Percy would nerd out about horses? Shipping them as besties now :P

    1. Ya know, I never thought about that. I bet Winnie would have an awesome time learning how to ride Blackjack!


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