Q&A Answers!

A few weeks ago I published my 100th post! As a celebration, I asked y'all to bombard me with questions so I could do a Q&A. Y'all really delivered. There were so many great questions and I couldn't wait to get started on them.

Without further ado, here's the questions and my answers.


Is there anything you'd do hundred times besides writing blogposts? 

There's a lot of other things I have done a hundred times. Playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the violin. Making dinner. Lacing up my running shoes. Tripped over my own words (probably put my foot in it too). The list goes on.

But if there's something I'd love to do a hundred times is maybe write a hundred novels. Now that would be something. I don't know if it'll ever happen, but can you imagine?

What is your favorite thing to do in the winter?

Eat all the warm food. Also, eating ice cream and insisting it's not too cold, even though I can't contain my shivering.

Indulge my warm drink cravings.

Watch the snow fall.

Enjoy the ice in the trees.

Sitting by a roaring fire. That's awesome.

Breaking out the hoodies.

And basically, I like it when it's cold outside. Unless it's raining. I don't particularly like that.

If you could have one wish come true, what would it be? 

I have a really weird wish that I doubt will ever come true. For the longest time, I've always wanted to meet a celebrity. Not to get their autograph or to fangirl or anything, but to tell them that I'm praying for them. Seeing them living in such pain all the time, criticized left and right about every little detail about themselves, it breaks my heart that I have the answer and I'm not able to tell them.

So yeah, if I had one wish that could come true, I'd love for it to be that.

Favorite horse riding memory?

Now find a comfortable seat, kids!! It's storytime with Sarah!! Because I actually have a few favorite memories and every single one was with Jules (also, who wants to guess who asked this question?).

One was when Jules and I were riding along close to her house at a reasonably quick clip. We're carrying on a conversation when I looked over my shoulder to see Jules's horse bucking. And she's just chatting in a normal tone, wearing the most nonchalant expression ever. Basically sums up our riding attitude. Everyone else: "What's wrong with this picture?" Us, cantering down the stretch while putting our phones in our back pockets: "Absolutely nothing. Why?"

Another is when the two of us were doing a Ride and Tie. We were neck and neck with another team, with us just ahead of them. I had gotten off my horse and tied him. After jogging for about a quarter of a mile, I realize I still had the helmet that we shared, so I ran back to my horse. Jules was just starting to mount when I got to her. She turned, grabbed the helmet, gave me the most crazed expression ever and whispered: "Go. Hurry up. I'm right behind you." One would have thought it was a life or death situation. Needless to say, I carried on my merry way and somehow we won that race.

I also enjoyed the time where Jules, Evangeline, and I rented a cabin with a barn attached up in the mountains and spent a few days there with our horses. That was such a beautiful, relaxing time. We totally should do it again.

So yes, lots of memories.

What is the secret to living a perfect life? (humorous answer, please)

Unless you really are a better person overall by not eating the thing, stop griping about diets and eat the thing. Seriously.

What is the secret to living a perfect life? (serious answer, if you like)

Honestly, I don't think there's such a thing as a "perfect life" on this side of heaven, but I actually do have an idea about a blog series that I'm contemplating writing about how to create a life that you love, which, in my mind, is about as close to a perfect life as we're going to get. Y'all will have to let me know if you would want to read something like that.


Favorite time of day to write?

Mornings, without a doubt. My creative side is usually dead by noon. 3pm, at the latest.

Writing snack or no?

I like having snacks before, after, or between writing sessions. I really don't like having food during my writing because it tempts me to take breaks when I'm on a roll or when I should really focus.

I'm also trying to be present when I eat. Food is a form of self-care for me. I feel a lot better when I simply take the time to actually enjoy my food instead of cramming it down or mindlessly eating. It helps me both make better snack choices, instead of just grabbing whatever's closest to me, and also feel the pleasure of eating. So I'd rather take a few minutes and go actually enjoy a snack than nibble on things while I'm trying to work.

What is your favorite of the stories you've written?

Ugh. I'm going to pick top three, as I can't pick just one. The Rise of the Prisoner, The Herbalist's War, and Simon Says. So many feels!!!

But I love my entire Reylance trilogy, tbh. Does that still only count as one?

What makes a scene a good scene?

Emotion. Whenever I'm reading a book, the difference between a scene and a good scene is when I walk away from it feeling something. Have it make me laugh or cry or think or just feel.

Favorite character that you have ever written?

You're just so mean. How am I supposed to pick a favorite?

But if I really had to pick one, I guess it would probably be Farlina. She's just so cool. Just about any scene with her in it comes together without much hassle because she's so awesome.


Which of your 100 posts is your favorite?

My favorite probably is my open letter to people with mental illness. That was my first step towards being brave in sharing my struggles and also my goal in helping those who face similar battles. I really want to start being more of an outspoken person on this topic and I feel like this was an important start. 

What's your favorite thing about blogging?

The community. I love when we all band together on things, whether it be link-ups or just fangirling over certain books or surrounding someone with love when they're going through a hard time. It's all amazing. I bow in respect to each of you for creating such a welcoming, loving environment.

What's your least favorite thing about blogging?

Having a post all ready to schedule and then realize it needs a header, but I haven't taken a picture for it and it's cloudy that day.

But, as you can see, I'm changing that up slightly, so picture taking won't be a problem unless I need pictures for the body of my blog post.


What book are you dying to buy/read but haven't yet?

The Girl Who Could See
by Kara Swanson. I don't know why I haven't gotten it yet, but I really want to read it so bad.

Is there a book you wish you'd never read? And why?

There's a number of books I wish I never read, but one stands out to me in particular.

I wish my family didn't waste the time going through G.I. Williamson's Shorter Catechism Study Guide. All that guy wanted to do was rant about how wrong he thought so many different denominations were. And now, y'all know how much I love a good rant, but when I read a theology book, I want it to open up new teachings from Scripture. Not carry on about how stupid one form of teaching is in comparison to another. Seriously. That's not uplifting or helpful for anyone. And not to mention the fact that he hardly touched on actual Scripture teaching. He basically acted like the SC was a higher authority than God's Word, which was not the intention of the men who wrote it AT ALL. Honestly, just go through the Shorter Catechism on its own, read the Scripture proofs, discuss it with your family, and you'll be fine.

Favorite book?

Probably The Hobbit

Which books are you most excited to read this year?

Within These Lines by Stephanie Morrill. I so can't wait to get my hands on that.

Also Romanov by Nadine Brandes. I'm very excited about that one as well.

And Coral by Sara Ella. Seriously, that sounds so cool!!

And To Best the Boys by Mary Weber.

Basically, there's a lot of books that I'm totally here for this year and I can't wait to get my hands on them.


Sweet or sour candy?

Sour, for sure. I'm not a huge fan of candy in general, except for gummies. Just not a sweet person, I guess (gotta love the double meaning there).

What's your favorite number, and why?

Um... I think it's five. I think it's because it feels like an even number, even though it isn't. Does that make any sense?

What's your dream cat (like color and temperament)? (And no offense to Dustfinger.)

To be completely honest, Dustfinger is my dream cat. He's everything I didn't know I could have in a cat. I had no idea anything in life could possibly fill so many holes in my heart, but God proved me wrong.

Dustfinger has been such a blessing in this time of my life, especially when my mental illness came to the forefront.

He knows when I'm sad and need comforting. Even if he's acting like a complete goof, he'll immediately stop and come comfort me.

He helps me reduce my anxiety in so many different ways, from sleeping in such a way that I can't toss and turn a lot, to letting me pick him up and rub my face all over him when I'm stressed.

When I'm in a time where getting out of bed is difficult, he acts as my alarm clock.

He's also appreciates peace and quiet, like me. When I remodeled my room, I became very defensive about having it be a positive, uplifting place to be and I do my best to not bring anything burdensome into it. He, I guess, feels the same way. Whenever it seems like someone is bringing in negative vibes or is being too loud, he has absolutely no problem telling them to leave. Seriously. He just starts screaming at them. It's kind of hilarious. His targets don't usually appreciate being called out by a cat, but I love it.

I'm his person and he makes sure I know that. Hardly a day goes by without me being so grateful for him. I honestly don't know where I'd be without him.

Yes, I know that my dream cat will change as time goes on, but where I am right now, he's my dream cat.

Would you rather work in a bookstore or a quilt shop?

A bookstore. I love spending time in a quilt shop, but a bookstore is more my aesthetic. Throw in a cat and coffee shop, and you have my dream environment.

Coffee or tea?

I drink both, but if I had to choose one, it would be coffee Hands down. It brings me such joy and happiness.

Favorite movie?

I have quite a few movies that I enjoy, but I don't know if I have a favorite. I do have a favorite TV show, though, and that would be Psych!

How would you describe your handwriting? What do you think of it?

Apparently messy handwriting is a sign of intelligence, so let's just go with that. It's legible, but it definitely looks like I've got better things to do then spend a lot of time on writing down notes.

Favorite font?

I am going to be such a boring human being right now and say Times New Roman. I like that it's clean, easy to read, and professional looking. But give me a doc in Calibri and I will scream. And possibly throw something. Maybe not at you, but definitely at something...

Favorite music genre

It varies from moment to moment. I have a very eclectic music taste.

Favorite mythical creature

Either a dragon or a phoenix. Both are cool.

So there you have it!! All your burning questions answered. 


  1. Fun answers! Yes, we want to see your series on living a full life ;)


    1. Awesome! I'm glad to hear that because I really want to write it!

  2. I REMEMBER THAT!!! Spirit bucking and I just casually continue my conversation...that was such a fun ride. :) And the RaT. (Was my face really that horrible?)

    The series about creating a life you love sounds really cool!! I think you should go for it!

    And I kinda figured that's what your kitty post would be...wanted to give you a chance to go on about DF, though. :D

    1. It wasn't horrible at all, but it was dead serious. The competition was fierce that day.

      Awesome, I definitely think I will write it.

      I always love having an opportunity to brag on him, so thanks for that!

  3. Great answers! And yessss, coffee beats tea any day!!!

    I love the new blog design! 😍

    1. YAS!! I love coffee so much!!

      Thanks, I've been wanting to change it up for a long time and I finally got around to it!

  4. I love all your answers!! It was great learning more about you in this post. :)) You're so funny!

    I second Gray! Loving the new look! <3

    Lila @ The Red-Hooded Writer

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed learning more about me!!

      Thanks, I really love it!!

  5. I love that you have a cat named Dustfinger, that's so cool!
    Psych is the best show!

    1. It's fun having fandom named cats. The weird looks I get from people when I tell them his name is an added bonus.

      It is an epic show!! I love it so much!

  6. This is GREAT! Your one wish is the sweetest thing! TT_TT I would only hope I could think so selflessly. And your horse-riding memories are HILARIOUS.

    I'm totally with you on the morning writing sessions. I feel like I'm far more productive at that time. Same with the snacks! I could "graze" all day if I let myself & feel like a cow, but then repeat the next day---NOT GOOD.

    Wow, I did not realize you had such a passion for people with mental illness, nor that you endure some of it as well (where have I been??). You are such a sweetheart, dear girl! We definitely need more people like you making their voice heard.

    Your TBR is basically my TBR. #allthehearteyes All these fantastic books are releasing & I can't keep up!!

    DUSTFINGER sounds like an absolute ANGEL. That is so sweet & beautiful & hilarious at how well he cares for you. I so want a little kitten (or three), but it's not quite possible for where we live right now---but someday! Fandom names are THE BEST. And depending on the coloring of my future kitties, I may have to name one of them Dustfinger... ;D

    LOOOOOVED this post, girl! Thank you for sharing. <3

    1. Thank you so much! I really do wish for their salvation. I pray daily for them and hope that someday someone will be able to minister to them. And yes, I do have a number of horse riding stories that crack me up!

      Yeah, by 3, I'm pretty much dead. I've got to write immediately or else the quality will go down. And yes, I really love just enjoying my food instead of mindlessly eating. It helps me control what I eat and also adds to the pleasure aspect of it.

      Yeah, it's been a battle for about two and a half years. Ever since, I've felt such a love and passion for those who battle against it on the daily. I really want to start speaking up and educating people on the reality of MI.

      There's so many of them!! I can't wait until they're all in my hands!!

      He is so wonderful. I love him so much and I'm so blessed that he's in my life. If you do end up naming your future cat Dustfinger (or any other fandom name), I shall have to meet them!

      Thanks for reading it! I hope you have a blessed day!


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