#TagTuesday: The Sunshine Blogger Award... Tag... Thing

Ariel over at Scribes and Archers tagged me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I was really excited to see my name in the list, as this is one of my favorite tags because you can do it more than once! So thanks, Ariel!

Here's the rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog so others can find them. ✔

2. List the rules and display an award logo on your blog post.✔

3. Answer the 11 questions the last blogger asked you.✔

4. Nominate 11 bloggers to receive the award and notify them by commenting on any of their posts.✔

5. Ask the nominees 11 new questions.✔

~1. What song makes you smile?~

There's soooo many!! Here's a few:

1. "Turn Up Your Light" by V.Rose
2. "Joyful Noise" by Flame
3. "Zero" by Imagine Dragons 

~2. What’s one of your biggest fears?~

That I'm a complete and utter waste of oxygen. I know this isn't true, but it doesn't mean it isn't a fear of mine. 

~3. Favorite autumn read?~

I've kind of made it a tradition to reread Tolkien books in September. So, even though that's not actually autumn, I'm going to go with that. 

~4. Name one random thing that makes you happy.~

Vanilla ice cream with gummy bears and sprinkles. It brings out the giddy child in me and I love it. 

~5. Have you ever cried at a fictional character’s death?~

With movies? Yes, occasionally. In books? Not really.

~6. What’s your favorite worship song?~

Okay, so I know what music this question is referring to, so while I don't actually consider it appropriate music for a worship service, I'm going to give two answers. One with what's considered "worship music" and what I consider worship music (aka a hymn). 

As for mainstream worship music goes, I like just about any Chris Tomlin song. Usually. Unlike most, he is actually quite theologically sound and is closest to what I would consider appropriate for worship. My favorite of his "Good, Good Father". 

Now, as far as hymns go, I love sooooo  many of them! I'll just list my current top 5.

1. "I Love to Tell the Story"
2. "Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me"
3. "The Church's One Foundation"
4. "Amazing Grace"
5. "Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment"

~7. Flannel: yay or nay?~

Flannel sheets? Hard pass. Way too hot for sleeping. 

Flannel quilts and shirts? Yes. Absolutely. As long as it's actually cold enough for them. Otherwise I'll just melt. 

~8. What’s your favorite fall flavor?~

Crisp apples and cinnamon. Also gingerbread, especially a copycat Starbucks Gingerbread loaf. #allthehappysighs


~9. What’s your favorite type of humor?~

Dark humor.

Also, Lemony Snicket's situational humor is something I find hilarious. It's still kind of a dark humor, but whatever.

Self-depreciating humor is also hilarious at the right times.

I have 99 problems, but finding things to laugh at is not one of them. 

~10. What’s the most recent song you’ve discovered and loved?~

SO MANY! But I think the winner is "Laughter Lines" by Bastille. 

~11. What was the last book that made you cry (or almost cry, for you fellow heartless readers)?

I straight up bawled with Me, Just Different by Stephanie Morrill. Though, I don't think the book itself made me cry necessarily. Just things it brought up. 

But I usually am a heartless reader and I don't really cry much while reading. 

~The Re-tag~

I'm not tagging 11 people. I'll go with three instead. As always, if you've already been tagged or you don't feel like doing this tag, feel free to ignore it.

1. Evan @I Just Happened
2. Nicole @Legend of a Writer

~The Questions~

1. What's something your pet does that makes your day? 

2. What's a book that had a theme you love and why do you think it's important for people to learn about it?

3. What's your dream work space aesthetic?

4. What's a subject in school that surprised you by not being as awful as you thought?

5. If you were to teach a class, what would your topic be and why?

6. What's the kindest thing someone's done for you?

7. How do you feel like you best express love and consideration to someone?

8. What sorts of flowers are you naturally drawn to the most?

9. What aspect of blogging do you not love?

10. What is your proudest accomplishment to date?

11. What song's lyrics has had the most impact on you and why?

Onto y'all! Do you love fall? Are there any questions here that you feel compelled to answer? Let me know down below!


  1. Guess it's time to charge through some Tolkien, eh? I still need to find out which ones I have left...

    1. Yeah, I'm planning to read through some once my reading desire comes back. Or, my energy comes back, more like it.

  2. I got so many fall vibes from this post xD I AM READY FOR YA FALL

    Loved your answers tho!

    1. I am beyond ready for fall. Like, let's yeet this heat and bring on the crisp temps!

  3. Wow, I haven't listened to that V. Rose song in FOREVER! I need to listen to that again.


    1. I really love it. It almost always brings a smile to my face!


  4. Gingerbread yesss! I love dark humor too!


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