WIP Special Part Two//Worldbuilding

Welcome to week two of the WIP Special!! In case you missed it, you can check out last week's post about my story here.

This week is dedicated to the worldbuilding behind the story. Today, you'll get to learn a little more about the Former United States of America (or FUSA, for short), more specifically Atlanta, GA. I hope you enjoy!

~What aspect of this world would make you want to leave immediately?~

The riots. One large aspect that fills both this book and Simon Says is there are tons of angry rioters. 

~If you lived in this world, what would be your job/working environment?~

It largely depends on what career I choose. Some careers, such as lawyers and the like, are no different in environment as today. They're going to be fairly well paid, albeit pretty corrupt.

Others are held at a much lower esteem. I think if I chose to still be an author, it would likely be frowned upon and probably would never be a sustainable career. 

I would probably have to choose something more viable in either trades or textiles. It would likely involve a great deal of hours and manual labor. 

~What would you most likely be wearing if you were dropped into this world?~

Luckily, one thing kept in this storyworld is the distinctive appreciation of comfort in clothing. I would be able to wear anything that I wear now and fit right in. 

~What aspects stands out to you as different from our world? What is very similar to ours?~

One aspect that is different is that there are no fast food restaurants. At least, not ones that center around fried food. They're more like the gyro place I visited while at Realm Makers this year. That was fantastic. Fresh food that doesn't make you feel like garbage afterwards.

One similar aspect is that it's set in our world, just in the future.

~Which part of your world would you most enjoy visiting?~

The countryside is one of the places that still has a small amount of peace in this world. So long as you keep your head down and focus on your day-to-day work, you'll do well. 

~Which part of your world would you avoid at all costs?~

I'd probably avoid the smaller towns. That's where most of the violence and lawlessness occurs. There's just enough people to cause trouble, but not enough police to keep the trouble down.

~Would you enjoy the types of food or common dishes eaten in your world?~

This world focuses a lot on cultural food, fully embracing the "melting-pot" aspect of the US, sooooo... yes, I would totally enjoy the food here. Generally speaking, I love ethnic food so long as it's not pork or rice centered (doesn't set well) and the primary cooking method isn't frying. 

~What does the culture of this world revolve around and would you enjoy participating in it?~

This world, by nature, is very politically centered. You won't find anyone who's not interested in politics in some way or another. 

While I'm very politically-minded privately, I don't enjoy talking politics at all, so I wouldn't enjoy this aspect. 

~What’s your favorite thing about the story world?~

One thing I love about this world is that the people are very family oriented. They have to be in order to survive. I think in our "independence" mindset, we have shoved the family closeness to the side and then have the audacity to bemoan the decay of the tight-knit family. 

You can't insist that every person has a car and job by 16, a degree by 22, and be moved out by 24 and expect that a close family will result from that. The child will spend their entire life working to move away from family because that's what's expected of them. They can't also move closer to the family. That's not how it works. 

Parents have to choose. Do they want empty homes and more disposable income? Or do they want close families?

In this world, they have to have close families. They have to have multiple paychecks coming in and as many people living under the same roof as possible in order to feed  and shelter everyone. Most people here aren't going to go get degrees and will certainly not move out on their own until they have a family of their own.

*Shoves my designer soapbox back into the closet* 

~Provide a few pictures that help depict your story world~

That's it for this week!! I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about my world and the people in it.

Make sure you check out the rest of the participants in this collab.



  1. Love the close family aspect! Sounds like an interesting world.

    1. It's been so much fun to write! I'm really enjoying Vio's family. They're such a tight-knit group and really love each other.

  2. So cool! Just sayin’ but I think I would love the food of your world! Tho I wouldn’t like riots.... riot or food? Decisions decisions. XD

    1. Ah yes, such a difficult choice. On one hand, food. On the other, a sure and awful death.


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