3 Things to Help When You're in a Funk

For some reason, my family and I are in a bit a funk this week. Not sure what it is, but we're all dealing with little motivation and low energy right now.

It's not the greatest for when you're trying to be productive and want to get things done.

So I thought I might share a few tips that have helped me these past few days.

Maybe do something else

On Memorial Day, I had some things I wanted to get done. While I completed some of them, I didn't get to others. 

Instead, my mom and I spent part of the afternoon planning out our landscaping ideas. It turned out to be very productive and motivating. 

So if you're feeling a bit off, maybe put aside your normal work and try to focus on something you've been putting off for a while. That way you're still accomplishing something worthwhile, but are getting some much needed space from your major project. 

Take some time off

If you're able to take some time off, you might try taking advantage of it. And I don't mean take an entire week off. I'm talking more along the lines of taking an afternoon to catch up on your TBR or go for a walk or take a nap or do some art or something like that. Or even try to plan something with some friends or family and just get out of the house.

Sometimes just creating a little space for yourself to have a little fun is really helpful. Maybe take a little time and do the fun thing that you usually beat yourself up for enjoying when you think you should be "working". 

Push through each activity

Once you've tried giving yourself a little space from your activity, it's time to dive back in. 

If you're anything like me this week, you won't be 100% back in the groove (or even 60%, if we're being honest). So maybe make a to-do list, assign a time that you're going to work on each project, then start banging them out. 

Don't rely on the "motivation" levels in your brain. Don't worry about how "good" your results are. Don't worry if you'll completely finish the project in the allotted amount of time. Don't even worry about if you're paying close attention to your work or not. Just do the work. Doing a little something is a whole lot more than nothing. Even if you're not motivated at all, getting the work done gives you the sense of accomplishment that will help you push through the next thing on your list.

I hope these tips were helpful! They were just some things that worked for me this week. Hopefully they'll work for you too if you're struggling to find motivation.

On to y'all! What are some of your tips when working through a funk? What have you tried and did it work? Leave your tips down below!


  1. Okay, so - how the heck did you know that I was in a funk right now????? Do you have telepathy??? TEACH ME YOUR WAYS. XD

    Anyways, great post, Sarah! I really needed this today. :)

    1. Yes, actually, I do have telepathy. Or, at least, I've often found myself knowing what other people are thinking...

      I'm glad it came at a good time!!

  2. Amazing tips that I totally believe in ;D Walking/ hiking really help me. And water.


    1. YES! I love hiking and walking. Having plenty of water really helps too.

  3. I love this post!! Running has been helping me get out of my funks.

    1. Running is great, especially to clear the mind.

  4. This was a great post! I like the first one because I do that too. If I'm in a funk or feeling stuck with my writing I find something else to do. Usually I'll tag along with whatever my mom and littler siblings are doing that day and it gives my mind a break. :)


    1. Tagging along with others is totally awesome! I'm glad you found this post helpful!


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