The Literary Dinner Party Tag

So I stole this from Jules because I didn't have anything scheduled to post today (though oddly, I have just about all of February's posts planned?). Also, it's loads of fun. I love planning parties, even though I don't have them often.

For this tag, basically, you invite a bunch of literary characters over for a party and hope they don't blow up the venue. Fun! Nothing can go wrong, right?

Also, I tried to get nice pictures of the books, but I kind of waited too long and needed to hurry before the already poor lighting was gone. So some of these are blurry/off-centered because I took them on my phone instead of my nicer camera (that, and I'm a novice photographer. Seriously, I'm learning, but it's sloooowww going). Though taking the pictures gave me an idea for a real-life party. It would be fun to use books instead of name cards. Like, use the person's current read for their seat. A TBR party! And then, in the midst of fangirling over stories, we could spend most of the party reading and eating. I should make that a thing. Except, I don't have any of my book people living near me...

~Invite a character who can/likes to cook~

Sunny from The Series of Unfortunate Events. Once she got too old to bite things, she switched to cooking. Which is a good thing because *spoilers* it saved her life. That's The Grim Grotto, in case the title doesn't show up well. 

~Invite a character who has money and can host this party~

Um, maybe Bilbo after he comes home from his adventure? I don't really read about a lot of rich people, so this one is pretty hard.

~Invite a character that might cause a scene~

Dobro from The Wilderking Trilogy. He can come, just as long as he doesn't bring any rotten lizard eggs. *Barfs* But he would cause a scene for sure. He's a nut.

~Invite a character who is funny/amusing~

Percy Jackson. 100%. We'll serve blue food just for him.He's hilarious and so sarcastic. I love reading about him, even though I have to put up with Jason and Piper during the Heroes of Olympus series. Bleh. They're the worst. Are we entirely sure they aren't descended from Narssisist? 'Cause they're pretty attracted to themselves and don't seem to care much for others, even though they claim otherwise. I mean, seriously, if you're not qualified to do the job, you're not doing anyone any favors by continuing to do the job! Especially if it means defending the world. We here on earth would prefer someone competent to protect us. <- *then why in the world is Peter Quill okay, Sarah? He's not exactly competent either.* Because dance battles. That's why. And because he's one of the idiots who lives here! Unlike those two, who could probably go to Olympus if the world was that bad off. Move aside and let someone else take over! Your cornucopia is USELESS!

*cough* Sorry about the rabbit trail. Continuing on.

~Invite a character who is super social/popular~

Lisa from The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series. Y'all knew this was coming, right? What is a Sarah Rodecker tag without a Stephanie Morrill book? Anyway, she's super popular and yeah. She's pretty cool.Though maybe I'd rather have Skylar. Hmm. I don't know. I'll take both of them. I can bend the rules a bit, can't I?

~One villain~

I think it would be hilarious if Sauron came. Whenever the party starts to get out of control, he can glare at the guilty party and say "I see you" really low and raspy. That would be the greatest. We could also exchange world domination pointers. If I'm going to rule the world by the time I'm thirty, I'd better get as many tips as I can.

~Invite one couple--doesn't have to be romantic~

Spoilers! Read at your own risk! Kale and Bardon from The Dragon Keeper Chronicles. They're just awesome. I can't even.

~Invite one Hero/Heroine~

I'm supposed to pick only one from all of the books I've read? Really? Fine. Let's go with Hank the Cowdog. Every party needs a good dog for the introverts to oooh and aah over and thus avoid human contact. And he'll keep us safe. Win-win.

~Invite one under-appreciated character~

Paul Blofis from Percy Jackson. Can we just appreciate him for a sec? I mean, the man comes into the family knowing they're carrying a lot of emotional baggage but loves them regardless. Then he finds out what's inside the baggage, which could easily make someone run faster than Grover chased by a Cyclops, and he chooses to stay and fight even harder for his family. I mean, that's pretty awesome. #cooleststepdadinliteraryhistory

 ~Invite one character of your choice~

Maybe Lizzie from Winnie the Horse Gentler. She can help Sunny and I cook. Plus, I just need her in my life. She's just so real and loving and sweet and excited about life and I just NEED her!

~The Re-Tag~

Gray @Writing is Life
Evangeline @I Just Happened
Lisa @Inkwell

Hopefully, y'all haven't already been tagged for this. If you have, consider this a double tag! As always, this is 100% optional, so don't feel pressured into doing it if you don't want to!

So, have any of you read these books? I know a lot of them are more on the middle-grade side, but in actuality, I find I love those books better. What characters would you invite? What do you think about a TBR party?


  1. Eeh, Dobro! I never loved the Wilderking books when I read them the first time (although in hindsight I love them a lot) but he was always my favorite part. <33333

    Man, I need to read some more Stephanie Morrill books...

    And I LOVE your idea of taking pics with the books! Beautiful!

    1. They're interesting books. Dobro was always hilarious.

      YESSS!!! Everyone needs to read at least one Stephanie Morrill book!

      Thanks! I kind of threw them together, but I like how they turned out. I wish I had some flowers, though. That would have made them really pretty.


    Good grief....I haven't read many of these books...*starts prepping supplies again for a library raid*

    Awesome post, Sarah!!


    1. IKR! It would be awesome. If any of my blogging people come to NC, they need to hit me up. I can make it happen.

      Your library had better be prepared!! A lot of these books are middle-grade, but I love them nonetheless. Sometimes I prefer younger books. The content is usually cleaner and the messages are still powerful.

      Thanks! I really enjoyed this one!

  3. Thanks for tagging me!
    I love the creative way you did this tag with the dinner set and all. XD

    1. No problem!

      I liked it. I came up with the idea at the last minute. I wanted a cool header and then things went from there.

  4. Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the way you put the books on plates and aaaaaaahhhh!!! *drools*

    PERCY JACKSON, YAAAASSSSS!!! Except... I like Jason. And Piper. They do love their friends, Sarah, whatcha talkin' 'bout???

    Eep! I love your answers, Sarah!

    The Red-Hooded Writer

    1. They do love their friends, I know. But sometimes they drive me crazy. Especially because I love Percy and Annabeth and I have a hard time inviting in new people, so that's probably why I don't like them as much. I might like them better if I reread the books. Leo was awesome, though! He reminds me a lot of my younger brother.

      I'm glad you liked it!

    2. At first I didn't give them a very warm welcome either, but they grew on me pretty quickly. ^.^ And yessssss, Leo is AWESOME!

  5. CG, those pictures are AMAZINGNESS. BEAUTIFUL. #blogpicgoals

    Lizzie is amazing. So funny. Sometimes I feel like I relate to her more than Winnie. Now I want to re-read those, and my entire family will laugh at me and I will be humiliated and it is your fault.

    1. Aww, thanks!

      She is amazing! And I think I do like her more than Winnie. Don't be humiliated! They're great books!


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