The Life-Cycle of Stories

I sometimes like to think of my stories in terms of their stage in life. I jokingly mentioned this to Jules and she thought it was funny, so I thought I might go ahead and share my thoughts on this.

~Gestation: Plotting~

We all love this part. We get to spend copious amounts of time planning for out little stories to come into the world. We put all the little details together, making sure everything is perfect for the time when we start writing. 

~Baby: First Drafting~

A lot of the time we love this part too. Our cute, little drafts are coming together. We smile when we see our favorite plot points that we spent so much time planning getting used in the process. We squeal when they coo at us with helpful new characters and plot points. It's just an exciting time all around, though exhausting at times. I mean, we sometimes spend hours writing these things. It seems like every waking hour is spent with them. But when the draft is finished, it's all worth it. 

~Toddler: After First Draft, During the Beginning Revision Stage~

This is when the story is still cute, but annoying at times when you look too close. You start looking at ways to improve it and see several of its little flaws showing themselves. It's a bit scary at times, but their little "I love you"s and "mama"s are all you need to keep going. They still believe in you, so you're willing to give it everything you've got. 

~Teenager: Revisions~

You remember those flaws you noticed during the toddler stage? Yeah, now they're all up in your face and you get to deal with them head on. Often you go at them, only to have both the draft and you sitting very far away from each other for extended periods of time while you sort things out. How are you supposed to handle this? Is anything going to turn out right? But then you come back together and sometimes will even delve into heart-to-heart conversations that heal all wounds and create a bond that's stronger than ever. You're never going to give up fighting for your draft. 

~Adult: Out In the World~

Of all the stages, this is possibly the most terrifying (though I have zero experience with it, except for a few flash fictions). Your stories that you've spent so many years nurturing is now out in the world, standing as a perfect target for someone's criticisms. You worry, wondering if people will treat it with the love that you know it deserves. You ache when they don't. You fangirl when they do. You smile when they create friendships and relationships with other peoples' shelves. Your little story will be all right because you poured every part of your being into it. No matter how the world receives it, it knows that it has a home in your heart forever. And that is a very comforting thought. 

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed that post. It's something that amused me and I thought y'all might like it. 

On to you! What other life stages have you noticed in your stories and how did you feel as they went through them? Were you excited? A little nervous? Happy with the outcome? What stage is your story at now? Let's celebrate!


  1. But it's also NOT I wrestle with a bunch of teenagers while caring for a baby as well...

    1. LOL, yeah, it's madness sometimes, but it's worth it in the end... I think.

  2. I LOVE this way of describing stories!!! It fits so perfectly with my emotions going through each of my stories!

    Most of my stories are young (babies and toddlers) with one teenager (Fair Winds) thrown in there for variety LOL.

    Awesome post, Sarah!!


    1. Well thanks! I thought it was a bit funny.

      That's super awesome! It's always good to have variety.

  3. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    How do I even say how much I feel this??? Gracious!!!!! Sarah, this is talking to this book-mommy heart!!!! I am in the teenager stage, that amazing teenager that needs to get straightened out... But just needs some care, discipline and attention. AWESOME JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

      Yep, just a little patient work and it'll get straightened out eventually. Don't you worry.

  4. Ahhh, I could not agree more.

    At the moment, I have a toddler heading for teenagerhood, as well as a teenager to doll up for adulthood (although I'm terrified of that, ahhhh!) a completed baby, and a just-barely-begun baby. So. I definitely identify with this. XD Great post as always!!!

    1. AHHHHH! Adulthood. So scary! But I'm sure it'll do just fine in the big, wide world.

      Thanks so much!

  5. This post is amazing and perfect!
    My story is still a tiny baby. <33

    1. Aww! Enjoy the stage while it lasts. They grow up really fast!

  6. This analogy is just too perfect. :')

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I found it pretty funny!


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