Marvel-esq Writing Wisdom According to The Order of the Pen Cabin

Whenever the Order of the Pen bands together to make a Camp NaNoWriMo cabin, we have a tradition where we take MCU quotes and turn them into writing related quotes. Needless to say, some stunning gems come from this endeavor.

Here are some of my favorites from over the years!

Random person, upon hearing that I'm a writer: "Tell me about your book!"

Me: "No, I don't think I will."

Me to an annoyingly uncooperative character: "In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little story arch... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much."

Until such time as the world ends, we will write as though it intends to spin on...

Me to characters: "Any questions?"

Random character: "Yeah, can I have my shoe back?"

Readers: "If you even THINK about killing an MC..."

Me: "What? You'll kill me? Evidently there will be a line."

Me breaking free from writer's block: That thing was squeezing my brain

*random character shows up*

Me: Who's this guy?

Me: "Get me the MC!"

Muse: "Communications array damaged"

Me: "What's not damaged?"

Muse: "Writer's block is fully operational."

When other writers are passing me up...

Them: On my edit...

Me: Oh come on!

Me: "I'm only going to say this once!"

Characters: "How about "none"-ce?"

Me to other writers: "Don't touch my plot"

Onto y'all! Which one is your favorite? What "quotes" would you add to the list?


  1. THESE ARE PERFECTION, SARAH. I am actually dying of laughter over here. How do these all fit so well??? I especially love the Loki quotes you put in here. Awesome post!

  2. These are awesome! I love it haha! And I love that this is like a tradition for your Camp Nanowrimo cabin, that's just great! XD

  3. "Writer's block is fully operational." xD

    I'm honoured to have been part of this, Sarah! <3

    1. Hehe! That's one of my favorites!!

      Thanks for sticking with our weirdness!

  4. These are AMAZING. 😂😂 "What I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little character arc..."

  5. Replies
    1. LOL! We have a lot of fun coming up with them. I'm glad you enjoyed them!


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