Ships, Secrets, and Survivors Blog Tour Sign-Ups + eARC Sign-Ups!

Thanks so much to everyone who helped out with the cover reveal for Ships, Secrets, and Survivors last week! Jules and I were so excited about getting to share the cover with y'all! If you haven't seen it yet, you can check it out here!

Today, we have sign-ups for the blog tour, which will happen on August 24-28. If you're interested in helping out with that, go ahead and fill out this form.

We are also offering a few PDF eARCs in exchange for an honest review. If you'd like to help out there, here's the form for that!! We plan to send them out no later than August 1st, so you can have plenty of time to read and review it before the release date.

Thank you all for your help and excitement as we bring SSaS into the world! It means so much to Jules and I!


  1. Thank you for the email, Sarah! This is SO SO exciting!! Can't wait to see all the amazing posts!

    - Eleanor

  2. I am SO EXCITED for this!

    Also: if I already filled out the eARC form on Julian's blog, should I fill it out here, too? 😊

    1. I'm so excited too!!

      No, you don't have to! It's the same form. So glad you signed up!

  3. This is awesome! I'm so excited for y'all! ^-^

    I've been having internet issues, so I might have accidentally submitted the blog tour form twice. If so, I apologize. :P

    1. Ahh! Thanks so much!

      No worries! We'll just disregard the extra one!

  4. So exciting! I signed up on Julian's blog. Can't wait to read it!

  5. EEEEEEE I"M EXCITED!!!! Defintely signed up and hopefully my internet will cooperate this time lolol :D

    1. I'm so glad you signed up!! And should your internet be a problem, just let us know and we can flex around it if need be! We definitely want you to be a part of it!


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