#TagTuesday: The Fictional Vacation Tag/Would You Rather

Originally, I was just going to steal this from someone because I wanted to do it and hadn't been tagged yet, but then Sam @Bookshire tagged me for it so now I can do it right! Thanks so much, girl!

~The rules!!~

Use the graphic Madeline made
Answer the questions
Maybe tag some people. We're going to lean heavily on the "maybe" part of that sentence.

~Train with demigods for the summer at Camp Half-Blood OR attend Hogwarts to learn some spells for a semester?~

I'm gonna hang with my peoples in the Athena cabin and judge everyone else, please and thank you. Just kidding :D But I think it would be fun to be surrounded by other nerds who love to learn. 

Also, I think it would be cool to do a lot of the training and actually have access to people who could teach you to do stunts. Like, yes please. 

Go on an epic quest through the lands of Middle-earth OR be crowned a king and queen for your bravery in Narnia?

The bit about Narnia implies that I've survived whatever it is that showed me to be brave, so probably go with that?

Plus, I won't turn down any chance I might have at meeting Edmund because he's cool. I've always liked his character.

HOWEVER... I also wouldn't turn down a chance to go to Hobbiton and have all the food. But I'd be less likely to survive on an epic quest in Middle-Earth, so I might have to pass. 

Fly with Peter and his Lost Boys in Neverland OR have a crazy tea party with the Mad Hatter in Wonderland?

Easy. Tea party with Mad Hatter, in any of his forms. He is such an interesting, random character that I think I would at least not hate hanging out with him. I may even enjoy it. At least there's tea and the opportunity to wear a funky hat without judgement, so that alone would be pretty fun!

I have approximately 0% interest in Peter Pan, with the slight exception of Kara Swanson's Dust.

Get trapped in the world of Jumanji OR be forced to dress up and attend a party at the Capitol of Panem?

Party at Panem. Because of the slight chance that Finnick will be there. Because I might have an opportunity to assassinate Snow and free Panem from his tyrannical reign. And maybe, just maybe, Finnick would survive and get to spend the rest of his life happily with Annie and the world would be wonderful.

Also, I know nothing about Jumanji, so there's that.

Sample all of the candy you’d like at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory OR have a nice stroll with Pooh and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood?

Stroll with Pooh. I guess. Am I the only person in the world who didn't grow up with Pooh? Like, I have no idea if I'd even like him or not. He seems pretty sweet from pictures and what I've heard and stuff, but I don't actually know anything for sure. But I know I'd probably like him way better than Willy Wonka. Besides, a nice hike in the woods isn't terrible. *immediately starts thinking of snakes and ticks and spiders*

Ya know what? I might just stay home today. Staying home sounds nice.

Head out on a gold-hunting expedition to El Dorado OR hop in a submarine and explore the lost city of Atlantis?

Neither. I'd rather stay home. 

Though, if I had to choose, I'd go gold-hunting so I could afford any house I'd like and live out the rest of my days in comfort.

But it's a definite pass on the submarine. Nopity nope! I'm freaking out just thinking about those enclosed spaces underwater. 

Skip through the merry town of Oz OR have a nice walk through the kingdom of Camelot?

Again, neither. 

The town of Oz would weird me out and I'd get tired of the Knights of Camelot after about one encounter. 

Get sucked into the world of Fantastica and go on an epic journey with Bastian OR get sucked into the Inkworld and travel the land with Meggie and her friends?

I'd go to Inkworld to a.) tell Meggie she's stupid and that she needs to grow up, ditch Farid, and start using her brains, Yes I know she's just a kid and couldn't possibly know better, but I don't care b.) meet Dustfinger, the namesake of my precious cat, and c.) meet Strong Man because he seems like a decent person to be around. Basically, I'd just go around and let everyone know just how trashy Farid actually is, because it seems like no one gets the idea and it frustrates me.

So basically, what we've learned in this post is I'm as much of a home-body fictionally as I am in real life. #isshocked

Feel free to steal this tag!

Onto y'all! Anyone else wishing they could spend their summers at Camp Half-blood? If you could only pick one of these places to visit, which would you pick?


  1. I really enjoyed reading your answers--it's funny how similar and yet different our answers were!
    Am currently laughing about how most of yours are based around survival...can relate. XD

    I don't think you're the only one who didn't grow up with Pooh...I did, of course, but I know people who didn't! Honestly, the original Pooh books (A. A. Milne, NOT anything Disney related!) are still worth reading, even once you're grown up, so it's not too late. :)

    1. LOL! That's usually how I roll. Like, I don't intend to vacation at a fictional world and end up dying. That would be a lousy vacation!

      I will probably look them up at some point, just because I can't imagine that life will be complete without at least giving them a try. Besides, the books look so cute and I'd think I'd like them.

  2. Great answers! I would go to a Panem for the off chance of meeting Finnick too. XD

    1. Right?! I think he'd be a fun character to meet.


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