#TagTuesday: The Original Outstanding Blogger Award

I was tagged about a month ago by Nicole for this fun tag! She claimed the questions she came up with were from her sleep-deprived mind, but I thought they were super cool, so maybe always come up with tag questions when exhausted...?

~The Rules~

1. Provide the link to the creator's original award post. (this is very important: see why in step five) 

2. Answer the questions provided. 

3. Create seven unique questions. 

4. Nominate ten bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award's creator nor the blogger that nominated you can be nominated. 

5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator's original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!

~1. What's an achievement that you're proud of?~

There are a number of achievements that I'm proud of, but I think becoming an author this year is one of my biggest. It represents years of hard work. To be at this point is so huge for me and I'm really proud that I pushed through.

~2. Favorite part of 2020 so far?~

I think it's got to be writing The Pirate Hunter Chronicles Book 2 during April's Camp NaNo!! That was such a fun experience. 

~3. What's your favorite character type to write?~

Characters with a redemption arc. There's almost always one in my books and I'm always a fan of them!

~4. Thoughts on the MBTI personality quiz? (And bonus: what's your type?)~

I like the MBTI quiz as a tool to better understand how we work. That being said, I don't believe everything is set in stone when it comes to our personalities, so it should just be used as one part of the puzzle that is us. A helpful piece, but just one piece. 

My type is INTJ.

~5. Favorite type of chocolate?~

Dark chocolate. 70-75% is my favorite range, though I can go up to 80. I'm not overly fond of milk chocolate and if you offer me white chocolate, I might hate you.

More specifically, I like the dark chocolate with espresso beans from Endangered Species. It's pretty fabulous. 

~6. Describe yourself in three characters, explaining why you chose each one.~

I'm assuming she means book/movie/tv characters.

Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit. Basically, all of him. His love for food. His eye-rolling as he comes behind his friends and cleans up their messes (darn you, Thorin! You could have handled this with tact!). The fact that everyone's surprised when he's actually capable of something cool (just because I'm not showing off every five seconds doesn't mean I'm an incapable bore). Also, in more negative terms, I also do not appreciate people messing around with my pantry. And I might be somewhat anti-adventure.

Hawthorn Ballard from Ships, Secrets, and Survivors. Did I pick one of my characters for this? Yes, I did. His nerdy, "Um, actually..." personality is so me. I might not be able to read as quickly as he does, but I do like absorbing knowledge and spouting it at random times in largely unhelpful ways

Hannah Swenson from the movie version of Murder She Baked (I don't really care for the books). I asked my mom to give me a character because a) I couldn't think of any off the top of my head and b) I didn't necessarily want to pick flattering characters?? But then she went and picked Hannah, who is 100% me and not in a bad way. A crazy cat lady who bakes. Would totally love to be with a super nice guy who drives a black Charger. Basically, yes.

~7. What's one thing you hope people take away from your blog?~

I hope readers take away the idea that writing is an individualistic journey. That, just because there may be some overarching steps that you might have to take to get to the destination you want, doesn't mean you have to have the exact same process as everyone else in order to be considered a writer/author. 

You don't have to write every day. You don't have to hit the NaNo goal. You don't have to bang out several books each year. You don't have to drink coffee and have an aesthetic work space. You don't have to publish. You don't have to do this, that, or the other thing. You don't even have to write well. You just have to write. 

I want people to be kind to themselves wherever they are in their writing journey. So whether they can only write a few sentences every week or can write hundreds of thousands of words every month, they have a place of respect in this community. They are writers. They are awesome!

~The Re-Tag~

I tag anyone who tends to steal tags (you know who you are)!

Here are your questions:

1. What's your favorite nerdy bit of information?

2. Favorite place on earth?

3. If you could redecorate one room in your entire living space, which room (or area, if you live in a one room place) would it be and how would you redecorate it?

4. Favorite breed of large cats?

5. What's your favorite thing about yourself?

6. Paperback or hardback?

7. What language would you like to learn?

That's it for today! Hope y'all enjoyed my random answers to these questions. 

Onto y'all! What's a character that you're like and why? What's your MBTI? What achievement are you proud of? Let me know down below!!


  1. I'm doing this tag, too, so I'm going to have to ignore your questions to us...but it was a fun tag! And now I want coffee with espresso beans. Why, Sarah. Also, you have a way more polished "mission statement" for your blog than I do...mine is basically "books are awesome, and you should go read all of these ones *shove*". XD

    1. Um, you must go have it! It's some amazing chocolate and you won't regret having it (unless you can't handle caffeine, which then it might be a problem). Seriously!

      Hey, that's a really good mission statement too. It's a clear purpose for your reviews! Plus, it's taken me a number of years to sort of get an idea down. So give yourself time and grace! Practice with a bunch of different kinds of posts and see what you like! Eventually, you'll find what you believe the purpose of your blog to be!

      Don't feel like it's got to be this big, grand thing, either. Suggesting good books to people is noble. People need/want to hear about good books, especially right now. You're filling that role! It makes a difference in peoples' lives. You help authors get their books out there and you help readers find their next favorite read! That's huge and sooooo needed!

  2. So proud of you for becoming an author! You guys have such a strong debut book too!!
    Had so much fun reading it! I adore dark chocolate too, especially when it has sea salt on it.

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it!! I'm really proud of it!


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